Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Top 15

As I travel throughout the United States I am always a little nervous about really big cities. I am one hour south of Chicago right now and I must say listening to the news in the morning regarding 8 shootings in a couple of days is frighting.  However, if you know me, you know I won't be deterred that easily-I have looked criminals in the face for many years without fear.  I wanted to list the 2011 top 15 cities for homicides. I was shocked by what I found:

  1. New York — 515
  2. Chicago — 431
  3. Detroit — 344
  4. Philadelphia — 324
  5. Los Angeles — 297
  6. New Orleans — 200
  7. Houston — 198
  8. Baltimore — 196
  9. Dallas — 133
  10. Memphis — 117
  11. Phoenix — 116
  12. St. Louis — 113
  13. Washington D.C. — 108
  14. Kansas City, Mo. — 108
  15. Oakland, Calif. — 104

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