Monday, May 19, 2014


I'm leaving for San Antonio, TX Thursday... I'm very excited.... I'm staying at a highly recommended hotel, the Hotel Contessa... I'm hoping to travel through the state, seeing places I've never seen, and eating fabulous foods from brazillion steak houses to BBQ huts on the side of the road... I can't wait to meet these people who are from a state in which they believe they should be their own country.... SC is a state of very proud people... We succeeded from the union first, we have/will fight other states regarding our beliefs... South Carolinians are just as proud as texans... Should be a great vacation...stay tuned.... Will try and post while I'm there....

Texas was better than I couldv'e imagined......nicest people, beautiful area, and amazing things to do and see... Don't forget the food..... YUMMMMMM

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